MyLAOrganizer in Nashville
Organizing your life, one room at a time.
My LA Organizer



For the (disorganized) layman, it's hard to understand how Suzanne manages to expand the size of his or her house approximately three-fold without the aid of saws, hammers, drills and the like. Suzanne uses a different, more subtle set of tools, among them: her organizational acumen, her empathy, her taste, her ability to listen, her tendency to really care, her common sense and - perhaps most importantly - her imagination. Taken alone, any one of these skills would be formidable. In combination, they're unbeatable.

Howard Franklin & Anne Litt
Screenwriter - DJ & Music Supervisor
Hollywood Hills, CA


Suzanne has an almost uncanny ability to 'feel into' your home - as well as your personality. And she blends the two together with excellence and precision. It can be difficult to let someone have the run of your move, your home, its contents - but with Suzanne it's easy. She's a godsend to anyone looking for an organizer par excellence.

Marianne Williamson -
Spiritual teacher, Best selling Author, Lecturer & 2020 Presidential Candidate
Los Angeles, CA - New York, New York


I've had a wonderful experience with Suzanne. She is non-judgmental, warm and funny. As a single mom in a home with a strange architectural layout, Suzanne came and in 2 hours was able to assess my biggest organizing problems, offer solutions, and she has a great brain for design as well so we re-arranged all my furniture and the house has never looked (or felt) better. Suddenly feels like I can breathe in my home after 3 years of constant re-arranging and badly planned attempts at organizing on my part. She works fast and is sensitive to your physical AND emotional needs. Call her now for sure. Worth every cent.

Bethany Joy Lenz -
Actress - Podcaster
Los Angeles, CA


"It is so easy to write this glowing review. I first found Suzanne (Suzie) through my real estate agent, and she calmly helped me organized and prepped my house for the sale. I had to have her back for the move itself; she simplified the often-overwhelming job of decluttering and she took the existing to a new level. Before my move, Suzie and her ah-mazing assistant Lauren went to town thinning, culling, managing and packing. It was so seamless and breathtakingly organized! Suzie completely paid for herself as she helped me cut my actual moving estimate in HALF. As in HALF. As in thousands of dollars. The move itself went fantastic and I am certain it's because of Suzie and Lauren's masterful touch. They paved the way for a more organized life and found it much easier to set up a system at the new house because of her.

Did I mention she's a hoot? Suzie's wise and fun and brings fab energy to your house and life. She even went above the call of duty by saging our house before we moved (don't ask). She listens and is the most graceful swirling dervish you'll ever encounter. She and Lauren work seamlessly to make sense of any space. They also seem to genuinely ENJOY what they do -- I looked forward to seeing them each day! In fact, I had to have them come to my new house and "help" even though I didn't completely need their assistance. After all, they'd set me up so well!

If five stars are an option, I give six and beyond to Suzie and Lauren for every single step of organizing a very overwhelming move. Bravo! "

Heather Hach Hearne - Screenwriter - Librettist - Novelist
Hancock Park, CA - Manhattan Beach, CA


I cannot recommend Suzie enough!! When it comes to organization, she is an absolute genius. With a super positive attitude and a great sense of humor, she has tackled drawers, closets, and cabinets that have literally been stressing me out for years. I could never figure out a good organizational system for my home until Suzie arrived.

Thanks to Suzie, I now have TONS of extra storage space, and everything is so lovely, organized, and labeled. I no longer stress out because my drawers and cabinets are overflowing and messy, and the new systems have saved me all those hours I used to spend trying to find things that were buried underneath other junk or placed in the wrong location. Even my husband, who initially thought I was crazy for hiring a professional organizer, agreed that Suzie's services are truly priceless once he saw the results.

If you're looking to simplify, organize, and reduce your overall stress level, you should definitely give Suzie a call!

Michelle Vick – Scott Greenberg-
Founder & VP – The Baby Box Company
Motion Picture Lit Agent - CAA
Santa Monica, CA



Our house is selling in large part because you staged it so beautifully. Thanks for your perspective eye and your positive energy!!!

Liz Swanson
Beverly Hills, CA - Washington

Home Office

By the time I found Suzanne online, I'd already spoken to two other organizers. One was extremely inexpensive but he told me that my filing system overhaul would take 25 hours (?!), and the other was annoyingly eager to play therapist about why I was "holding on to paper".

I was "holding on to paper" because I loathe filing. I was "holding on to paper" because it takes me hours and hours to go through a file I made in college called "personal", full of old organizer pages and journal entries (I find myself utterly fascinating, I guess). I was "holding onto paper" because since I started my own business I have not had 10 minutes of brain power to spare for such tasks in 6 years, as all leftover brainpower has to go directly to watching TV, naturally.

But mainly, I was "holding on to paper" because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in the world of file creation. I needed an expert, and I found one in Suzanne.

I just plain don't see things in an categorized way. Since I would MUCH rather have room for two gold leafed french pheasant statues I picked up at the rose bowl than my fascinatingly whiny old journal entries, I called Suzanne to help me out.

Suzanne was obviously the real deal. At our consult she told me how she was going to do it, and of course, I let her! She's the expert.

I was "holding on to paper" because I didn't know who to call, and now I do! Suzanne made me a perfect looking, easy to use filing system that makes sense and is intuitive to me, and she did it in 10 hours, 7 of which I didn't even need to participate.

The information Suzanne deals with is private, the need for speed and expertise is pressing and who wants amateur therapy or 25 hours of filing? Suzanne took the task seriously, I did not feel rushed, I felt supported but not smothered and it was clear she was an expert at organizing.

Suzanne kicked my job's ass in record time and in an expert manner and I am thrilled with the results. Thanks!

Shannon Ggem
Interior Designer, Malibou Lake, CA (Yes, Malibou Lake is a real place).


Just so you know I have never met Suzie or Holly before in my life until finding their ad on the internet. I can't express the amount of gratitude and appreciation I have for both Suzie and Holly. I have moved five times in one year. Not only homes but storage units. Four storage units into three, then two, then well hopefully the last. Unbeknownst to me; ONE storage unit was way too much for my partner. Who is a "tad" OCD, and, well, I must admit I'm a "tad" ADD. The combination giving, (ahem)..; pause, for both of us. Until these two women show up at the front door of our new beachfront loft. Suzie walks in with incredible presence, tenacity, elegance and experience. Fierce determination and organizational skills, and a NEVER SAY DIE attitude. After our "consultation" she was savvy enough to wait for me to be alone, then ask "Can we start NOW?"" :):). Holly, started moving at the speed of light, blossoming into this fantastic woman who is fastidious, detail oriented with a succinct memory for the little things. When it came to getting into the thick of work, AWESOME. Careful and calm, a Godsend when I thought I just could not even look at ONE MORE BOX!!!

Both women are very talented and well studied in their vocation. There were times I would turn around and think to myself, "how the heck did you know that would work there???!!! They have a delicate touch when a delicate touch is required. The job is finished with distinction, character, AND ON time!I Most importantly, these women GENUINELY wanted to HELP US! They did, tremendously. We have a very beautiful, organized (yes mom, organized) home. Thank you Suzie and Holly.

Estella Warren - Model/Actress/Screenwriter
Venice, CA

Of course, you change our home and our lives... and then we disappear for weeks. Now we're back, and we just wanted to thank you for the incredible work you've done. I have to admit, I (Jon not Estella) was a bit skeptical at first. I remember our first consultation and I thought this was never going to work out. I had to run to a meeting for work, and you both stayed behind with Estella to "chat". I remember returning home five hours later and being absolutely speechless. What was stacks upon stacks of boxes finally resembled a home. I wish that we had done before and after photos, because my words can't do justice to the transformation you made to our home in such little time. I think we would still be moving in five weeks later if you had not come to the rescue! Again, Thank you for everything.

Jon Teiber - Agent CAA
Venice, CA


I have worked with Suzanne O'Donnell frequently for the past four years, both for my personal and for my business organizational, design and efficiency needs. "Organizer" doesn't begin to describe all the talents that Suzanne brings to the job. My initial need was a filing system for my personal papers. She not only created a system that I could easily use and maintain, but also gave me invaluable advice about saving money with such things as my internet accounts, phone, banking and on and on. For my business, she designed the layout of our office for myself and several employees to maximize our use of the space. She also guided us on what to buy and where to get office furniture at the best prices.

To boot, Suzanne is great fun to work with. All in all, she's a gem and a true asset for anyone who wants to get their act together and keep it together.

Andy Traines -
Producer & Consultant
Los Angeles, CA – Berkshires, Ma


Suzanne is the best ever!! She always makes sure that we are organized in the home and in the office and on the road. Thank you Suzie!

Gianna and Chazz Palminteri
Filmmakers - Actors - Directors
New York, NY


I can't begin to say how blessed I feel after meeting and getting to work with Suzie. I had no idea what to expect. I only knew I wanted to be organized and I was told she was my girl.

She came on a Friday! That was 3 years ago. She took the stress and the angst right out of my life. I can open a drawer now and know exactly where I'm going.

Suzie helped me archive my entire film and television career. And that includes photographs, contracts, articles, media and a mountain of memorabilia.

At the risk of sounding morbid, she helped me organize and prepare all of my paperwork and files, so when the big kahuna in the sky calls, I'll be ready. And my family will be set.

Our personalities meshed beautifully and we are a great team.

I continue to call Suzanne for the occasional Tszuj.

Joanna Cassidy - Actress
Los Angeles, CA


Suzie of My LA Organizer was superb! We had just moved into our new house and were overwhelmed with unpacking and organizing. Suzie arrived enthusiastic to help us get things in order in a way that made sense with how we live and how often we use certain things. She had great suggestions and was very efficient. I also loved how she just rolled up her sleeves and dove in! She was a real doer. At the same time she was incredibly respectful and listened to what we had to say. She helped us enormously in our kitchen and pantry, library/family room, and storage space. I would definitely hire her again!

Maura Rampolla
ZICO Pure Premim Coconut Water - This Bar Saves Lives - Mark & Maura Rampolla Foundation
Redondo Beach, CA


"I have known Suzanne O' Donnell for about five years. She was introduced to us by our realtor at the time we were preparing to sell the house which had been our family's home for twenty-three years. Just to state the obvious: eliminating clutter, reorganizing, and displaying our home to its best advantage was quite an undertaking. Suzanne made it all happen on time, within budget, with a sense of humor and warmth. It was always a pleasure to see her smiling face at the door, even if the task at hand was difficult.

When we were ready to move, Suzanne dealt with the movers, packed up our belongings and unpacked them and organized our new home. She has a pragmatic sense, as well as a designer's eye for putting everything in its place. This was no mean feat, since we were shedding approximately 1,000 square feet of living space in the move from old house to new.

Ever since, Suzanne has had a continuing role in helping us settle into our new home. For example, she supervised the design and renovation of our closets and storage areas; she also assisted in designing a new guest suite. I would trust her with any project. She is capable, utterly honest and personable. I can recommend her services without reservation. "

The Levitt's
Hancock Park - Pasadena, CA

Organizing - Moving

To whom it may concern: Suzanne is a miracle worker. She has Vision, Organizational Skills and is very resourceful! I have had the pleasure of working with her several times in the past few years.

- She has organized my garage and made it possible to actually place our cars inside! The tools are in order and can be found. (Who knew we had so many!) and the super size purchases from the trips to Costco now have a home.

- She organized my attic - the door barely opened before she tackled it! We now have our suitcases organized and ready for a trip. The sewing and excess material is all in order. She organized our excess seasonal wardrobes into 6 double zipped closets upstairs and it is no longer a chore to flip the clothes around. (We live in Connecticut and so need seasonal clothing.) She suggested an implemented clever ways to de-clutter and organize and now we do not dread the attic stairs.

- The kids rooms - My 14 year old owes her life to Suzanne! She got her on track with a simple way to keep herself organized and her room CLEAN! What a miracle!

- My 8 year old can now find and play with her vast array of toys and books and it is not a chore to put them away. - My office - I didn't even utilize this room. I dreaded entering. It wasn't that it was a mess, it just didn't work! With thought, hard work and loads of clever organizing tricks, my office is comfortable, inviting and inspiring. I only wished she lived closer - she is worth every bit and more. A gem!!!

Suzanne works effortlessly and makes miracles happen. Rediscover a room you thought you lost with her skills and vision!

Nancy & Joe Pantoliano
Daniella & Isabella too

Update - From LinkedIn
"Suzanne is very good at what she does, no, she is exceptional! She is creative in her solutions for your organizational issues. She listens to you. She has a very strong work ethic. I have trusted her with my own home several times and have recommended her to many of my friends, all with positive results. If you don't know where to start, need to find more room in your home/office or just don't have the time to get ready for a move...she is definitely the one to call. Spring is upon us...""

Nancy Sheppard Pantoliano - Connecticut


Picking up the phone to call Suzanne was the smartest thing I've ever done. The feeling when we were done- just a couple of days later- was indescribable. I felt like I could fly! Keeping things neat and organized since has been a breeze, it just feels so natural. I feel like I am living in my home now and not battlling it. Nothing piles up hopelessly, and nothing ever even gets lost anymore. It's amazing. And perhaps most amazing is that now, cleaning up after myself has almost become a joy, because there is no more quicksand lurking about, nothing to set off the old shame spiral. Everything feels perfectly manageable and in the present. But probably the best part of it all, is that after working with Suzanne, I have gained a whole new sense of being able to be active and feel alive at home. It's something that I had so longed for- rather painfully, and for too long- yet had all but given up on creating for myself. It's a dream come true, really. And I know I could not have done it without her."

Laura Silverman
Actress – Voice Over Artist – Television Writer
West Hollywood, CA

ORGANIZING for a Teenager

The "Cool Aunt" Saves the Day! We contacted Suzanne for help organizing my nearly 17 year-old daughter’s room. My daughter has many different interests and more stuff than she has space, so it was time to make some decisions about what to let go. We really wanted her room to be organized and ready for the start of the school year. I did some research and was really happy to find Suzanne’s website. Her background is interesting and I was hopeful that she would be able to connect with a teenager and help her get through the process without it feeling like torture. I loved that Suzanne came out and met with me and my daughter first and understood the space as well as my daughter’s priorities and idiosyncrasies. After making the initial introduction and scheduling, Suzanne communicated with my daughter directly which was a great way to keep her involved and engaged in the process. Suzanne did all the work of locating the products they needed to get some order out of the chaos which really helped make the task much less daunting for us! She had wonderful ideas about how to make things accessible while never losing sight of the style they would bring to the room. Book collections now serve as artwork rather than collecting dust in stacks on the floor. Make up is organized, accessible and not expired. The window seat can be sat on by humans, not just cats. Shoes are easy to see and reach. The space under the bed is being put to good use. The desk can be used for homework and to store supplies with everything labeled and in its place. This was a task that I wanted to tackle for months but would have led to frustration, arguments and probably tears if my daughter and I did it on our own. Thank you Suzanne for all your time, attention and hard work!

Robin & Welles Crowther
Attorney & Super Cool High Schooler
San Clemente, CA
Testimonial from


My LA Organizer (Suzanne) is one of the best organizer's in Los Angeles - hands down! She has helped me tackle several moves, multiple organization overhauls and aided me in putting systems in place that have allowed me to live in a clean, beautiful and orderly home for years!!

One of the amazing things about Suzanne is that she doesn't just organize, she creates aesthetically pleasing, calm and well functioning spaces that improve the quality of your daily life. 

What's also incredibly helpful is that you can have Suzanne come to your house quarterly just to keep everything organized and on track. Not just to help with a closet, cupboard or garage, but with filing systems, household budgets and many other tedious tasks that you may avoid doing. She makes the dreary, dreaded chores fun and always has a positive, professional and warm attitude while on the job. 

Lastly, her prices are tremendously fair (something that you can't say for many service providers in LA) for the excellent quality of her work and the years of experience she has under her belt. I could go on for many more paragraphs, but instead will simply tell you - USE MY LA ORGANIZER - you'll never regret it!!

Tracy Aftergood
Producer & Mom
Hollywood, CA
Testimonial from


At nearing my 50s, I have spent at least half of my life trying to get organized. I never quite understood what an "organizer" did and was convinced that having a battery of terrific assistants could do the job. Then one day, I decided to give Suzanne a try, still skeptical and believing that my wonderful assistants and I could do anything this "organizer," could do. Boy, was I wrong. Suzanne turned my office in a matter of a couple hard working days into an organizational paradise. I did not imagine that her work would have such an emotional impact on me but in fact what she really does by "organizing" is give someone their life back, give someone more hours in their days, give someone more time with their family. The result of her work is a reduction of stress more powerful than anything I can imagine that could come in a pill or glass.

I can only imagine where my life would have been if I had seen an organizer like her 30 years ago. Along with her skills to organize, Suzanne also trains her clients to become independent, to save money with her handy re use ideas, to believe that they can do whatever they seek to do. She is not judgmental and has a positive, sunny attitude that never quits. Even in this tough economy, I must say that treating myself to a few days of Suzanne was the best money I have spent in years, if not in my life. And finally I really appreciated seeing someone love what they do. You won't be sorry.

Cherin Perelman
Casting Director
Beverly Hills and New York City


We hired Suzie from My La Organizer to help us sort and re-organize our office and an office storage closet. She works efficiently and is really friendly. You work together doing this project, and she was good at keeping the flow going, which is hard when you find old treasures.

Patrice Harmon
Manhattan Beach, CA
Testimonial from


As a Life Coach, I help people realize their goals by clearing their mind of unnecessary "mental clutter" so they can focus on manifesting exactly what they want. Suzanne's impeccable organizing skills are as equally important in helping people clear out the unnecessary "external clutter" that accumulates in their living or work space over time, which can feel burdensome. Having used Suzanne to organize my home office, and garage, I could see a transformation take place almost immediately as she moved through my things like a zen samurai, sorting out what was necessary to keep, and what wasn't. She also helped my mother prepare to sell her house, which required going through over thirty years of belongings. Suzanne handled it so methodically, with barely a hair out of place! It's very easy to lose objectivity when it comes to letting go of our material things, but with Suzanne's keen eye for keeping your environment minimal, yet beautiful, you see the value of clearing out your space, and allowing for only what is most essential and useful for your needs. Suzanne's organizing abilities will not only transform your place, but invariably create a positive Feng Shui outcome because your space will feel much lighter and brighter, and the energy that fills the room is so good, warm, and inviting.

Ora Nadrich
Actress - Screenwriter - Life Coach & Author
Pacific Palisades, CA


Task: create home filing system and file - Organizing home viewing and for an efficient move.

My experience:

Suzie listened well; assessed my personality and style; designed my system; organized and filed two years worth of my personal papers.

My opinion:

She did an excellent job, especially given trying circumstances (ill wife and house being readied for sale and cross country move). Her experience was evident. She was most pleasant; punctual and diplomatically told me the errors of my way, as necessary to accomplish the objective.

Recommendation: highest; I would use her again, for sure.

About me: retired career attorney who managed several other attorneys in my practice group of a major listed company..

H. Smith
Attorney - Retired
Los Angeles, CA - Memphis, TN


It's hard to express just how wonderful it feels to come home to a house that Suzie has made beautiful. She was just here last week, and I swear she used some kind of magic to transform this place from a cluttered mess into my treasured sanctuary after a long day. I'm gazing around this peaceful haven in awe. Every room is just right and there's a place for everything! I set down my bag and put my keys in the proper place and I feel soooooo good in this space! She doesn't just reorganize and make things pretty - she really pays attention to how I live, and she teaches me how I can make every day easier by following her lead on where things can naturally go, how to store items, and how to lay out a room. She understands this and so much more! She makes me feel happier living in my space; she helps me use the things I own more efficiently. She lays a framework for me to follow - and she makes it easy!

Suzie, you are truly a graceful magician with space, with decorating, and with organizing all the stuff that makes up a home. I don't know how you do it, and I could never do what you do - you have a wonderful gift. I only know that I will never ever call another organizer as long as you are in business, and I am so grateful to you for all the help you have given me over the years - first with organizing a big house, then with packing every single thing I own into numbered boxes that you labeled with itemized lists, for unpacking and setting up my new home, for coming over whenever I need help with life changes like converting an office into a nursery, for Spring cleaning, and for everything in between.

Suzie O'Donnell is an angel sent to earth to help the cluttered, the busy, and the overwhelmed to transform their homes and their lives into beautiful, comfortable works of art. Trust Suzie. She will never steer you wrong!

With immense gratitude and appreciation,

Stephanie Schwartz
English professor and jazz flutist
Palos Verdes, CA - Redondo Beach, CA


I have known Suzanne for many years and we have worked together many times. Most recently we had a very fast escrow on our home when we sold it. I had to be out of town and the new owners called asking to move in almost a week early. I knew I could call her and she would get the job done. Everything was organized and labeled, she hired the right people to complete various tasks and she let us know what wa happening as everything proceeded seamlessly. She is very thorough and knows all the right questions to ask. You can really leave everything up to her. Let Suzanne take the stress away.

Valerie Landsberg - Actress - Screenwriter - Director
Topanga Canyon, CA - Maine

PACKING – MOVING - organizing

Suzie has helped organize me for over a decade, moving me to many different homes and keeping me organized in each one. I count on her for big projects like garage, closets or toy rooms, office maintenance, party prep and of course organizing emergencies! I whole heartedly recommend her. Thanks Suzie!!

Kirsten Wood
Co-Head of Equities at Wedbush Securities, Inc.
Manhattan Beach, CA
Testimonial from


"Suzanne's vision and expertise helped me so much. She has a great sense of style and amazing resources. My place needed style revision and she jumped in, worked hard, and helped me plan an interior that's organized and truly reflects my esthetic. She's professional and a delight to work with."

Kelly - Pasadena, CA


What can I say about sensational Suzanne that would have enough accolades that would do her justice? That is a tall order.

Not only is she exceptional in work ethic & punctuality, she is unsurpassed in her excitement & zeal in "getting it right."

Suzanne has an eye for not only geometrically pleasing positioning of whatever it is she is organizing, but her taste is first rate, exquisite & innovative.

Having Suzanne in the house was a pleasure. I didn't ever want her to leave.

I have 2 Italian Greyhounds that, I must not appreciate anyone in their world that they do not deem as acceptable. They adored Suzanne.

Not only did Suzanne organize and put everything in the exactly perfect place when I moved the first time, she packed all of my stuff up when I moved a year later.

Unwrapping all of my precious belongings was like opening up a gift. Each and every item in my house was not only labeled in detail, but was protected as if they belonged to her.

She even found the movers for me, and handled them and all of the problems that usually come up no matter what is done to ensure that they don't.

Suzanne not only goes the extra mile, she is a whirlwind of excitement & fun while she's doing it.

Teri Love
Malibu, Ca- Playa Del Rey, Ca – Solvang, Ca – Los Angeles - Brentwood, CA

International Move

My situation was probably not entirely unique, but to me it was as if I was sliding off the edge of the universe! I had been living in my apartment for 17 years and was now preparing to move to India, taking as little with me as possible.

Over the years, I had collected furniture, kitchenware, and personal memorabilia as if I had a family of ten, when in fact; it had only been the cat and me. Every nook and cranny was filled to the brim and I had a two-car garage completely stuffed with my grandparents' household, wardrobes and all. At the time that they passed away, I couldn't bear to part with it, so there it sat for a good 15 years.

I found myself a month away from my intended move-out date and I sat frozen on my couch, developing a Netflix addiction to which there seemed no bottom in sight. Then one day there was a breakthrough. I woke up and rather then head straight for the couch, I decided to Google professional organizers..."just to see."

And that is when I had my lucky break - I found Suzanne's website. I even went further and actually sent her an email. The email developed into a phone conversation and we planned an initial consultation. Help was on the way!

My dark days were not quite over, as I imagined that whoever was going to try to help me, couldn't possibly get me off the couch and into action. How wrong I was!

From the get go, Suzanne made a clear plan for me, got me motivated without scaring me back onto the couch and made my goal seem reasonable. Whereas my natural procrastination would have put the actual plan on the back burner for another week or two, Suzanne's lack of that very trait, helped me to take the next step...getting the job done.

We immediately scheduled our first session and from the moment she walked through my door, until 5 hours later, when she walked out the door, progress ensued. By the time she left, I felt as if half my work had already been tackled. I was boxed and ready to ship...literally.

Since then, we have had two more sessions and now the end is near. The things that haven't been packed and won't be joining me, have been categorized into "charity," "yard sale," and "give to friends." My apartment is cleared out and I am leaving on my original departure date.

Besides being highly motivated, a fast worker and a great planner, Suzanne also has superior follow through skills. She is always on time for our appointments, she has kept to the plan she set out for me in my consultation and the job was completed within the number of hours she estimated. She never leaves without that day's agenda completed and my home in livable condition. To top it all off, she has also become a friend (and part-time/inexpensive therapist).

Leaving my home of 17 years, not to mention the country of my birth has been the most overwhelming process I have ever faced. Suzanne walked me through it, gently yet diligently and for that, I will forever be grateful. And for whatever got me off the couch that day, "just to Google organizers," I thank the Gods of the Internet.

Lastly, had all of the above mentioned not taken place, I know exactly where I would be right now...on the couch. Suzanne changed all that. If you feel like you can't do anything else, just do one thing: call Suzanne. She'll take it from there.

Lisa Markowitz
Corporate Trainer
Burbank, CA to India



Are you sitting there debating with yourself about it? You need her. Are you sitting there thinking you know how to do it yourself and all you have to do is get your lazy self in gear and do it? You need her!

I have moved many times and organized many homes and "know how to do it." I have a strong aesthetic sense about how I like my home to be. But it all got away from me over the past 15-20 years, and grew into a jungle that was beginning to eat me alive. Suzanne walked in and made sense of it in a flash; she says she has no magical powers, but I swear she merely twitched her nose and had it figured out. It takes work - but it all got done, and done beautifully, and done faster than I ever would have guessed it could.

She ruthlessly cleans up all of your chaos and makes sure you know how to keep it from claiming you again, all the while remaining sensitive to your desires and preferences and creating beauty in every corner...and she's simply a delight to work with.

Before I called Suzie I had a place where I could store my belongings, make a cup of coffee, and sleep every night. Now I have a home. My advice - JUST CALL HER! With her fresh energy, clarity, artistic sense and expert skills she will cut through that fog that you probably can't even see that's holding you back from a lovely, peaceful and functional home.

Terea Bryson - Sony Pictures
Culver City, CA


I have used Suzie (My LA Organizer!) for years, and she's truly a sparkling gem of organization! She's so positive and wonderful to be around, which is to say nothing of her laser-like focus uber-organizational skills. Suzie helped me prepare for a big move, and she proved to not only protect my sanity, but also my wallet. She helped me sort and discard and pack, and when the movers came to finally pack me up, it was virtually all done. Suzie's efforts helped cut my moving fees in half! I've never had such a seamless move, and I credit Suzie. She's a dynamo and knows what she's doing - she thrills in the detail of it all. Suzie is also a great human being and a friend. Can't say enough about her!

Heather Hach Hearne
Screenwriter - Librettist & Novelist
Hancock Park, CA - Manhattan Beach, CA
Testimonial from


Suzanne and her associate organized my garage and home office, sorting for either disposal, donation or retention dozens of boxes of business/financial/personal files and documents, memorabilia, photos, art and frames, vacation and sports gear, etc., and did a beautiful job of organizing and labeling so that everything was logically placed for easy location. Every hour I spent with either of them was incredibly productive and extremely worthwhile. I would not have been capable of accomplishing this on my own. I was very satisfied with the results.

  Suzanne clearly has a talent for this work, lots of energy and plenty of experience and excellent judgment. I highly recommend her.

Bob Bordiga
Culver City, Ca
Testimonial from

Moving -Organizing

As a single person in my twenties who works sixty hours a week, I could have never imagined moving and getting my new home in order without Suzanne's expertise, sound judgment and warmth.

I have moved 4 times in the past 4 years and this last move was by far the most efficient, organized, and pleasant experience. My ulcer didn't flare up, I didn't shed a single tear and a day after the move my place actually felt like home. It was like she was the captain and I was the first mate. At all times, Suzanne had a well thought out plan, time line and check list of things for both of us to do simultaneously so the job could be accomplished as quickly as possible.

I never felt in the dark about anything and was able to relax knowing at the end of this journey, my new home would be a fabulous place where I would want to return home to each night. I distinctly remember the exact moment 24 hours after I moved into my condo when I kicked my feet up on the couch, looked around the beautiful, well organized space and felt so very grateful to have had Suzanne's help making my house a "home."

Suzanne is like a well-kept secret that needs to be shared with the world. There is no task she cannot tackle from coordinating an entire move from start to finish to figuring out exactly what type of filing cabinet will not only store all of your bills and coupons, but also look fabulous.

She has a real gift with taking a cluttered space (large or small) and creating the most functional and aesthetically pleasing environment possible. Her vast knowledge of products for the home (furniture, storage items, etc.) and companies to facilitate making your home complete (moving, handymen, painters) is beyond impressive. From paint colors to the perfect console table, Suzanne will help you find it (and for the right price).

I think the most wonderful thing about Suzanne and the home/life organization business she has built is that she makes you feel (because it's true) that anything is possible. Your closets can look like a clothes rack in Barney's, your kitchen can look and feel like something out of Architectural digest, and your bathroom can become a tranquil place to unwind as opposed to a cluttered mess with products you have not used in five years.

It may sound cheesy, but Suzanne is truly an organizational guru -- she gives you the tools to live your best life and when you are done, your home and outlook is forever changed. It's amazing to me that she has not been snatched up to host a show on HGTV, TLC, The Style Network or to do an episode on Oprah. Her creativity, honesty, experience, and lively personality would surely attract viewers and maybe even inspire people to start de-cluttering their lives once and for all. She is simply a pleasure to be around and the queen of home organization and space design.

Bottom line is that Suzanne is one of the most hard working and lovely people I have EVER met and making the decision to hire her to help me move, organize, and improve my home was one of the best things I have done in a long time. Suzanne you are a GEM! Thank you for everything.

Head of Development, Film & TV
West Hollywood, CA


Suzanne is an artist. She's not one of those people who rigidly organizes things into rows, she really has a gift for knowing where something might "live". Since she approaches your place with that kind of mindset, I found my place really did "come alive" when she was done.

My daughter's room, which had resembled more of a storage shed, was suddenly an inviting playroom for an energetic five year old. You really can feel the difference Suzanne makes. My daughter now spends a lot more time playing in there since everything is so accessible and, well, now there's actually room to play in there. And it's a lot easier to keep it organized!

I work out of my house and my office... it was sort of functional but not really. After Suzanne was finished, it became one of my favorite places to hang out. That translated into getting more work done and making more money.

So she is definitely worth every penny I paid her - and then some.

Suzanne Rainey
Television Distribution Executive
Los Angeles – Brentwood, CA


To Whom it may concern,

Suzanne is an incredible organizer! She has worked with me for several years now and has transformed my home and office in many ways. I now look at my files and actually feel happy. I didn't know that Suzanne's way of organizing could enhance my work space and my creativity. Finally I know where things are. She totally updated my computer and I now feel excited about all the new things I've learned from her.

Suzanne also organized my garage/art studio. She took it from a space I cringed going into, to a clean, orderly, creatively inspiring space. My daughter loves to run into the garage after school and begin her various art projects. All of our supplies are now labeled and easy to find. All of our storage boxes are organized and labeled. It is a dream come true.

Suzanne also has a quick wit and great intelligence; she has helped me prepare for challenging legal issues, offering sage advice and great organizing techniques for important paper work. Suzanne is a joy to work with. She is professional, caring and has a great work ethic.

Please e-mail us if you have any questions, We would be happy to tell you more about her.

Susan Diol Cadiff
Andy Cadiff
Pasadena, CA


I first met Suzanne on a mutual residential project. She was doing the organization and I was doing the designs. I have since seen her work on another client's project. Her talent, care, and ease to work with are appreciated. I have loved getting to know her and highly recommend My LA Organizer to anyone seeking a smart, efficient organizer who cares about her clients with the extra bonus of being fun to work with.

Kim Colwell
Interior Designer
Kim Colwell Design -
Los Angeles, CA



Simply put, Suzanne's presence has made all aspects of my life better; much better. I find her work ethic, output, and demeanor to be highly professional and enjoyable to be around.

When Suzanne takes on a project, she not only addresses the here-and-now, but also provides and educated us with a system to go forward with to be more organized and feel good about our living space cosmetically and functionally being more attractive.

In terms of professionalism, Suzanne is very impressive with communication skills, timeliness, and exceeding expectations. I have grown to respect her professionally and now think of her as a friend.

I highly recommend her services to anybody who is looking to improve the functional and visual aspects of their business or home.

Todd & Heidi - Culver City, CA


Suzanne overhauled my entire home. Because our house is quite large and my schedule is crazy it was drawn out over a couple of months. But when I think about it, the total hours we spent going through things wasn't really all that bad. (and it didn't cost as much as I thought it would either) Letting go of all of that old stuff was much easier than I thought. And because I donated so much, I feel like I did something really good by sharing it with others.

Suzanne has this thing where she says things like "where is this going to live?" Or "Let's find a home for that." Maybe I'm out of it, but I have never heard that expression before, and I giggled every time. Anyway, now I have a home for all of our stuff, and it feels Great! It also makes cleaning up the after the kids so much easier! She was Great, and I will Tell all my friends!


I am feeling extremely good. Thank you very much for your help. My place and I feel... well, lighter and more free.

I was in a daze for an hour or two, but when I came to, I felt calmer, clearer, and like I had just gotten a big chunk of myself re-attached.

I really appreciate your help and the the extra time you took with me. It was a cathartic, educational, and fun experience, and I'm very grateful for it.

I'm looking forward to working with you more as I finish organizing my files and office.

Thanks again and talk to you soon,

Mike Ludwig
Los Feliz, CA


Read this one with an accent - because its much funnier that way and also because that's the way it was written

Dearest Suzanne,


I plan to email you via my laptop..unfortunately, it crashed... I have extra laptop and I don't know how to figure out the internet setting. I planned to email you and post something in Facebook but I'm so glad to hear from you...Thank God I have blackberry.. I couldn't live without internet via computer... lol.

Well Well...forget about that old crashed laptop. When you left today, I was still in a state of shock. I just stared and looked literally @ my place for two hours. I love what you did today Suzanne!!

Then at 4 pm (please note that I didn't sleep yet) I drove to Beverly Center... planned to buy linens, cushion, etc...but I changed my mind. I planned to do it tomorrow when my mind is fresh and well rested so I can pick items

So instead, I treated myself. I bought loads of bras, and panties...I discarded few yesterday. Some were drying @ my bathroom (I handwash my bras). I found something today too!! My bra size became bigger!! hahaha. I couldn't believe it!! See...I really need to work out! I gained a little bit of weight.

I told my mother already in the Philippines about you and my place. We chatted for 2 hours!! I told her how I met you...then Fred, then curtain, then 2 furnitures from you...etc. She was very pleased to hear!!

Thank you soooooo much Suzanne for the job very well done!! I am very delighted and I am very satisfied!! My mind is free from clutter and I know I will be more productive starting tomorrow.

I love your furnitures and thanks for selling that to me for cheap price. I promise you that I will take care of those.

I will be missing you! I love working with you!! You have good heart and you are funny too!! I enjoyed my sleepless day with you!

God bless and more power to you!! Stay in touch please!!

Emergency Room Nurse
Kaiser - Los Feliz


Thank you! My closet is staying organized because you made it magic.
Anne - Hollywood Hills, CA


Thank you Suzanne for your vision, expertise, intuition, kindness & supreme sense of beauty!
Eve - Hollywood, CA